The 8 Best Academic Proofreading Services of 2025

With so many academic proofreading services on the market, how do you know which will best meet your needs? Finding the answer to this question would take hours of research. Luckily, I’ve done all the research for you!

I’m a trained proofreader who has thoroughly researched over 50 online proofreading and editing services and narrowed them down to eight highly rated, reputable businesses that stand above the rest for polishing academic texts.

The Best Academic Proofreading Services

Here are the top eight academic proofreading companies.

Best Academic Proofreading Services

CompanyTrustpilot RatingFastest Turnaround Time
1. Scribbr4.5 (14,698)*3 hours
(3,000 words or fewer)
2. Edit My Paper4.6 (20)90 minutes
(1,300 words or fewer)
3. Cambridge Proofreading4.9 (3,209)12 hours
4. Proofed4.8 (2,879)3 hours
(3,000 words or fewer)
5. Wordvice4.8 (292)9 hours
6. Write Smartly4.8 (114)4 hours
(3,000 words or fewer)
7. Editage4.7 (201)8 hours (must call)
8. PaperTrue (TrulySet)4.6 (528)12 hours
* 14,698 = total number of reviews

Although many well-known businesses do a great job of proofreading a wide variety of texts, few focus solely (or primarily) on academic documents.

Scribbr and Edit My Paper are the first two companies on this list because they specialize in academic proofreading. Scribbr tops the list since it has close to 15,000 reviews on Trustpilot.

If you’re on a budget, I have a discount code for Edit My Paper, and Wordvice typically offers 50% off first-time editing orders.

Cambridge Proofreading is next since they work with lots of academic documents and are highly rated.

The remaining businesses work with a wide range of documents but are included due to their strong ratings.

To be included in this article, a company had to meet the following criteria:

  • specialize in academic writing or be highly rated on Trustpilot
  • provide an instant price quote (no waiting for an email)
  • offer a turnaround time (TAT) of 24 hours or less

Top-Notch Tip: If you need your document back ASAP, say so. Most companies can negotiate a faster turnaround time for you.

What Proofreading and Editing Companies Offer

Many proofreading and editing businesses combine proofreading, copyediting, and editing into one service, which I’ll refer to as “combined proofreading and editing.”

Some companies combine proofreading and copyediting.

And a few businesses offer proofreading, copyediting, and editing as separate services.

If you have doubts about what occurs during each editorial stage (developmental editing, line editing, etc.), please see the first frequently asked question toward the end of this article: “What’s the difference between proofreading and editing?”

Furthermore, I wrote a post about academic proofreading if you’d like to know everything it entails.

Note: These businesses have rules about how much they can intervene in academic texts. If you’re a college student, none of these proofreading services will write any portion of your paper for you since this violates universities’ academic policies.

Each Service Has a Unique Selling Point

To help you choose the best option, see if you have any specific needs listed below.

The Unique Offerings of Each Business

BusinessBest Bet if You . . .
1. Scribbrwant to go with the most popular service or have a text written in Spanish, French, or German
2. Edit My Paperhave a tight turnaround time (TAT)
3. Cambridge Proofreadingwant to choose the most highly rated company
4. Proofedneed proofreading only (no editing)
5. Wordvicewant 50% off your first editing order
6. Write Smartlyneed paraphrasing and rewriting services also
7. Editageare trying to get your article published in a scholarly journal
8. PaperTruewant a free sample edit

Now let’s see the details for each company.

1) Scribbr

Scribbr offers a combined proofreading and copyediting service.

They specialize in proofreading and editing academic documents written in English, Spanish, French, and German. They also take on business texts.

Based Where: Netherlands

Trustpilot Rating: 4.5 (excellent) out of 14,698 reviews

Fastest TAT Available: 3 hours (3,000 words or fewer)

Free Sample Edit: If your text is over 20,000 words, you’ll receive a sample edit of about 2,000 words within 12 hours of placing your order.

Examples of the Academic Documents They Work On:

  • Academic articles
  • Admission essays
  • Capstone projects
  • Dissertations
  • Essays
  • Literature reviews
  • Manuscripts
  • Motivation letters
  • Personal statements
  • Proposals
  • Research papers
  • Term papers
  • Theses

Their Hiring Process: Scribbr editors must pass a challenging quiz, make it through the application process, and successfully complete their rigorous in-house training program.

About the Editors: Their editors have passed the Scribbr Academy, which has a pass rate of just 2%.

How It Works: Scribbr will assign you an editor based on your document type and field of study.

Services Offered: Combined Proofreading and Copyediting (add-on services available)

Combined Proofreading and Copyediting: They check for grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, word usage, consistency, clarity, syntax (sentence structure), style, and tone.

If you want combined proofreading and editing (not just proofreading and copyediting), you’ll need to purchase the structure check and clarity check mentioned below.

Scribbr offers the following services for an additional cost:

  • Structure Check: Ensures your writing is well organized and free of redundancies (does not involve heavy rewriting or restructuring)
  • Clarity Check: Makes sure you’ve communicated your ideas clearly and used sound logic
  • Formatting: Customizes your paper’s formatting according to your requirements
  • Citation Editing: Verifies that your in-text citations and reference list adhere to the relevant style guide

Factors that Influence Price:

  • Word count
  • Turnaround time
  • Add-on services chosen (if any)

To give you an idea of rates, the table below shows the cost for a 1,000-word text depending on the TAT.

Price for Proofreading and Copyediting a 1,000-Word Document

12 hours$76
24 hours$59
3 days$51
7 days$42

Get a price quote from Scribbr.

2) Edit My Paper

Edit My Paper specializes in proofreading and editing academic texts. They also work with business documents.

Based Where: Canada

Trustpilot Rating: 4.6 (excellent) out of 20 reviews

Fastest TAT Available: 90 minutes (1,300 words or fewer)

Note:  The 3-hour TAT is for texts with 2,275 words or fewer.

Free Sample Edit: No

Examples of the Academic Documents They Work On:

  • Application essays
  • Dissertations
  • Essays
  • Journal articles
  • Papers
  • Personal statements
  • Reports
  • Research projects
  • Theses

Their Hiring Process: To become an editor for Edit My Paper, applicants must pass rigorous editing tests. Editors are internally audited and reviewed by clients to ensure they produce top-quality work.

About the Editors: They are native English speakers with extensive experience editing academic texts, and they’ve studied at excellent universities in North America or Europe.

How It Works: They will assign you an editor who is a good fit for your document.

Edit My Paper offers four service levels (Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Pro), which they refer to as editing tiers.

The tier you choose determines the depth of editing and the amount of experience your editor has with projects like yours.

These tiers also determine your editor’s level of education. Education levels range from college students from a top 10 university with high GPAs to editors with a PhD.

Level of Education according to Editing Tier

Editing TierEducation Level
BronzeTeachers or university students with a high GPA
SilverExperienced teachers, university graduates, or master’s degree students
GoldExperienced professional editors, doctors, and researchers (only university graduates)
ProOne of their top 10 editors in each subject

Services Offered: Combined Proofreading and Editing

Combined Proofreading and Editing: They check for grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, word choice, style, consistency, concision, clarity, and flow.

Editors also provide comments about your document’s structure and give you suggestions for improvement.

They offer the following services for an additional cost:

  • Citation correction
  • Formatting
  • Extra editing/ESL service
  • Extra comments

Factors that Influence Price:

  • Word count
  • Turnaround time
  • Service level

Price for Proofreading and Editing a 1,000-Word Document

Bronze Silver Gold Pro
90 minutes $96.00 $104.00 $120.00
3 hours $56.00 $60.00 $68.00 $100.00
7 hours $44.00 $48.00 $61.00 $84.00
12 hours $40.00 $44.00 $60.00 $80.00
24 hours $36.00 $42.00 $56.00 $76.00
3 days $34.00 $38.00 $44.00 $72.00

Get a price quote from Edit My Paper. To get a discount, use the code OMSAVEPROOF in step 4 when checking out.

The discount you receive depends on your document’s word count. Here’s a breakdown of the savings:

Word CountDiscount
976 to 2,275 words$7.50 off
2,276 to 5,200 words$10.00 off
5,200+ words$15.00 off

3) Cambridge Proofreading

Cambridge Proofreading offers a combined proofreading and editing service for academic and business documents.

Based Where: United States (founded in England)

Trustpilot Rating: 4.9 (excellent) out of 3,209 reviews

Fastest TAT Available: 12 hours

Free Sample Edit: No

Examples of the Academic Documents They Work On:

  • Applications
  • Assignments
  • Dissertations
  • Essays
  • Manuscripts
  • Papers
  • Reports
  • Theses

Their Hiring Process: Cambridge has a rigorous recruitment process; they accept less than 1% of the editors who apply to work for them.

About the Editors: Their experienced editors have advanced degrees from top universities worldwide.

How It Works: They choose an editor whose qualifications and experience best match your text’s topic.

Services Offered: Combined Proofreading and Editing

Combined Proofreading and Editing: They check for grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, word choice, style, tone, concision, clarity, and logic.

Editors also give you feedback and advice on the composition of your writing. An Editor’s Summary Report is provided for documents over 3,000 words.

They offer two levels of service:

  • One-Editor Premium Service
  • Two-Editor Advanced Service*

*The two-editor advanced service, done by two senior editors, offers an even more in-depth and accurate edit.

Factors that Influence Price:

  • Word count
  • Turnaround time
  • Service level

Price for Proofreading and Editing a 1,000-Word Document

TATOne EditorTwo Editors
12 hours$34
24 hours$29
2 days$27$54
3 days$26
7 days$25$48

Get a price quote from Cambridge Proofreading.

4) Proofed

Proofed offers editing and proofreading services to a diverse spectrum of clients.

Based Where: United States (with branches in the UK, US, and Australia)

Trustpilot Rating: 4.8 (excellent) out of 2,879 reviews

Fastest TAT Available: 3 hours (3,000 words or fewer)

Free Sample Edit: Yes, for their proofreading service (up to 500 words)

Examples of the Academic Documents They Work On:

  • Admissions essays
  • Assignments
  • Dissertations
  • Journal articles
  • Literature reviews
  • Papers
  • Research proposals
  • Statements of purpose
  • Theses

Their Hiring Process: Proofed editors have received in-depth training through Knowadays, Proofed’s sister company, to ensure they can edit and proofread to a high standard.

About the Editors: Many of their editors have master’s degrees or PhDs.

How It Works: They pair you up with a proofreader who is well-suited for your document.

Services Offered: Proofreading and Editing

Proofreading: They check for grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, word choice, concision, consistency, clarity, and (where applicable) citations and references.

Editing: Everything included in their proofreading service, plus checking for overall structure, flow, tone, and style.

Editors also give feedback and advice on writing style or content.

Factors that Influence Price:

  • Word count
  • Turnaround time
  • Level of service (proofreading or editing)

Price for Proofreading vs. Editing a 1,000-Word Document

TAT Proofreading Price Editing Price
3 hours (Rapid) $90.00 $135.00
12 hours (Express) $60.00 $90.00
24 hours (Regular) $30.00 $45.00

Note: For a 24-hour delivery, the word limit is 8,000.

5) Wordvice

Wordvice offers a combined editing and proofreading service to a broad clientele.

Based Where: They have operations in the United States, Turkey, China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea.

Trustpilot Rating: 4.8 (excellent) out of 292 reviews

Fastest TAT Available: 9 hours

Free Sample Edit: Yes, (up to 500 words) for potential institutional and VIP clients, or individuals submitting lengthy documents

Examples of the Academic Documents They Work On:

  • Application essays
  • Assignments
  • Dissertations
  • Journal manuscripts
  • Papers
  • Personal statements
  • Recommendation letters
  • Research proposals
  • Scholarship essays
  • Statements of purpose
  • Theses

Their Hiring Process: They hire editors with extensive experience in editing academic and admissions documents.

About the Editors: They’re native English speakers with advanced degrees (PhDs and master’s).

How It Works: Wordvice assigns your document to an editor who holds an advanced degree in the academic field of your work.

Services Offered: Combined Proofreading and Editing

Combined Proofreading and Editing: They check for grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, formatting, word choice, clarity, concision, logic, tone, and flow. They also give substantive feedback on topic development.

Factors that Influence Price:

  • Word count
  • Turnaround time
  • Level of service (editing service type)

Price for Proofreading and Editing a 1,000-Word Document

9 hours $132
13 hours $110
24 hours$88
2 days$77
3 days$66
4 days$55
5 days$51
7 days$44

Please note that prices for admissions-related documents (e.g., application essays, scholarship essays, recommendation letters) will typically be higher.

Top-Notch Tip: Take advantage of the fact that Wordvice typically offers 50% off all first editing orders.

Get a price quote from Wordvice.

6) Write Smartly

Write Smartly offers a combined proofreading and editing service for a wide range of clients.

Based Where: United Kingdom (with branches in the UK and US)

Trustpilot Rating: 4.8 (excellent) out of 114 reviews

Fastest TAT Available: 4 hours (3,000 words or fewer)

Free Sample Edit: Yes, for documents containing more than 2,000 words. They’ll edit 1% of your total word count or 300 words, whichever is lower.

Examples of the Academic Documents They Work On:

  • Admissions essays
  • Assignments
  • Dissertations
  • Journal articles
  • Manuscripts
  • Papers
  • Personal statements
  • Scholarship essays
  • Statements of purpose
  • Theses

Their Hiring Process: Write Smartly hires editors with exceptional skills and a minimum of 10 years of experience in editing and proofreading several kinds of documents.

About the Editors: All their editors have master’s degrees or PhDs. They receive regular coaching and training to ensure high-quality editing.

How It Works: Write Smartly will assign your document to an editor in your field.

Services Offered: Combined Proofreading and Editing

Combined Proofreading and Editing: They check for grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, formatting, word choice, clarity, concision, coherence, tone, style, and structure.

They offer the following services for an additional cost:

  • Formatting
  • Paraphrasing and rewriting
  • Plagiarism report

Factors that Influence Price:

  • Word count
  • Turnaround time
  • Add-on services chosen (if any)

Price for Proofreading and Editing a 1,000-Word Document

4 hours$58
12 hours$42
24 hours$34
2 days$29
5 days$26

Get a price quote from Write Smartly.

7) Editage

Editage, a division of Cactus Communications, provides a combined proofreading and editing service for all kinds of documents. They handle all types of journal manuscripts.

Based Where: They have offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, India, Japan, China, Singapore, and South Korea, as well as representatives in Turkey and Brazil.

Trustpilot Rating: 4.7 (excellent) out of 201 reviews

Fastest TAT Available: 8 hours (must call them for a quote)

Free Sample Edit: Yes (500–600 words)

Examples of the Academic Documents They Work On:

  • Abstracts
  • Case reports
  • Dissertations
  • Journal manuscripts (of all kinds)
  • Theses

Their Hiring Process: They hire subject-matter experts with advanced degrees and considerable experience in research and scientific editing. These experts undergo a rigorous language training program.

About the Editors: They’re typically native English speakers, and their team includes PhDs, MDs, postgraduates, engineers, and even journal peer reviewers. 

How It Works: They assign you two editors who meet your editing preferences and are experts in your paper’s subject.

Services Offered: Combined Proofreading and Editing

Combined Proofreading and Editing: The elements they check depend on the service level selected.

Please see their web page for details of everything offered with each service level.

They offer three levels of service:

1) Advanced Editing: Two editors check for grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, formatting (including citations and references), word choice, syntax, tone, and consistency in style and terminology.

2) Premium Editing: Two editors check for everything offered in the advanced editing service and improve presentation style, structure, flow, logic, and clarity. They leave feedback on how to improve your paper.

3) Scientific Editing: A peer reviewer from an esteemed journal, a science editor with 20+ years of experience, and a managing editor will do everything offered in the first two service levels and perform an in-depth edit and review of your manuscript. You’ll receive a paper that has a good chance of being accepted by a journal.

Factors that Influence Price:

  • Word count
  • Turnaround time
  • Service level

Price for Proofreading and Editing a 1,000-Word Document

8 hourscall for quote**call for quote
15 hours$170$180
29 hours$140$152
41 hours$90$132
65 hours$68not available
* TATs vary based on the document’s word count and complexity.

**To get a quote for the 8-hour express delivery, please call Editage. They take calls 24-7.

To obtain a price quote for Scientific Editing, you need to upload your document to their website.

Get a price quote from Editage.

8) PaperTrue

PaperTrue offers combined proofreading and copyediting for all kinds of writing.

Based Where: They have locations in the United States, India, Singapore, and the United Kingdom.

Trustpilot Rating: 4.6 (excellent) out of 528 reviews (PaperTrue is listed as TrulySet on Trustpilot.)

Fastest TAT Available: 12 hours

Free Sample Edit: Yes (up to 300 words)

Examples of the Academic Documents They Work On:

  • Admission essays
  • Assignments
  • Dissertations
  • Essays
  • Journal articles
  • Personal statements
  • Research papers
  • Theses

Their Hiring Process: Their editors must pass a comprehensive editing and language proficiency test. They prefer editors with a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

About the Editors: They are native English speakers and language experts.

How It Works: You’ll be assigned an editor who is knowledgeable about your document’s subject matter. After the editor has worked on your text, a senior editor will review your writing to ensure it’s been polished to a high standard.

Services Offered: Combined Proofreading and Copyediting

Combined Proofreading and Copyediting: They check for grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, formatting (including references), word choice, and sentence structure. They also improve style, clarity, consistency, concision, and coherence.

Factors that Influence Price:

  • Word count
  • Turnaround time

Price for Proofreading and Copyediting a 1,000-Word Document

12 hours$58
24 hours$44
2 days$34
3 days$32
7 days$29

Get a price quote from PaperTrue.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between proofreading and editing?

Although we sometimes use the terms proofreading and editing synonymously, they’re far from synonymous.

I’ve created a table (which you’ll soon see) that briefly explains all four stages of the editorial process.

The stages are in order. The editing process starts with developmental editing and ends with proofreading.

Developmental editing is the most in-depth and expensive editing stage. Each subsequent stage becomes cheaper, with proofreading being the fastest and least costly.

The stages overlap to some degree. For example, copyediting includes proofreading, but copyediting has a broader scope. Proofreading is the final editing step; it’s designed to identify errors that were missed or unintentionally introduced during prior editing phases.

The Four-Step Editorial Process

Editing StageWhat’s Involved
1) Developmental 
Adds/subtracts/reorganizes entire sections of text to improve the overall content and structure
2) Line EditingRefines the language to improve flow, clarity, and consistency in style and tone
3) CopyeditingMakes writing correct, comprehensive, consistent, clear, and concise; fixes mistakes with sentence structure
4) ProofreadingCorrects errors with grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and basic formatting issues; checks for repeated and omitted words

Is academic proofreading considered cheating?

You should check your university’s proofreading policy to determine whether academic proofreading is considered cheating. This information is usually in your college’s academic policies and procedures manual.

Academic misconduct is a serious offense, so knowing the answer to this question is crucial!

Generally speaking, universities encourage (and often require) graduate students to use a third-party proofreading service before submitting a thesis or dissertation. Some colleges even specify which proofreading service students should use.  

However, at the undergraduate level, it can vary.

For example, suppose you’re taking an ESL course, an English composition course, or any other class where your professor will evaluate your writing skills. In that case, using an outside proofreading service may be considered cheating.

Furthermore, some universities prohibit students from using proofreading services for any courses at the undergraduate level.

Bottom Line: Be sure to check your university’s proofreading policy before submitting your writing to a proofreading service.

Which proofreading service is best?

The best proofreading service is the one that effectively meets your needs. With numerous competent proofreading companies on the market, choosing one “best” service is challenging. However, you can look to reputable consumer review websites like Trustpilot to see how proofreading businesses perform.

Here are two of my top choices that aren’t mentioned in this article.

Best Company Providing Proofreading Only (Not Proofreading + Editing):

If you’re looking for a company that provides stand-alone proofreading (not a combined proofreading and editing service), is an excellent option. It’s highly rated on Trustpilot and offers great prices. It also provides stand-alone copyediting if your paper needs more than proofreading.

The only downside is that if you need a price quote, you have to wait for a reply via email.

ProofreadNOW works on all types of documents.

Best Service if You Have an Exceptionally Tight Turnaround Time: ProofreadingPal

Often, people need a text proofread fast! If you need your writing back lickety-split, ProofreadingPal is a prime pick. It’s listed as the number one business in my post about the fastest proofreading and editing companies.

ProofreadingPal has an excellent Trustpilot rating, offers instant price quotes, caters to all genres of writing, and provides lightning-fast turnaround times.

How much does proofreading cost for a 1,000-word document?

Typically, proofreading costs about $30–$60 for a 1,000-word document if you hire a proofreading service. This calculation is based on a rate of 3–6 cents per word.

Hiring a freelance proofreader costs roughly $10–$30 (1–3 cents per word) for a 1000-word text. However, the price depends on the document’s technical complexity, quality of writing, and turnaround time.

If you’d like more information about how much proofreading costs and the pros and cons of hiring a freelance proofreader versus an online proofreading company, check out this article on Om Proofreading.

I hope this post has given you all the information you need to decide on the academic proofreading service that’s right for you.

Good luck with your academic endeavors!

Best wishes to you!

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”

– Albert Schweitzer

Lindsay Babcock

Lindsay is the creator of Om Proofreading. She has a BA in psychology and earned a certificate in proofreading by passing the final exam in Proofread Anywhere’s general proofreading course. She shares what she’s learning in the field and through research to inform and inspire her readers.

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