Welcome to Om Proofreading!

Namaste. I’m glad you’ve landed on Om Proofreading! 😊

My Mission

My mission with Om Proofreading is to share the knowledge I’ve gained from my training and experience as a proofreader and my insatiable curiosity as a researcher.

Specifically, I aim to assist aspiring proofreaders, those wishing to enhance their proofreading skills and mastery of the English language, and people needing guidance on how and where to hire proofreaders.  

I hope you find the answers, insights, and inspiration you’re seeking as you read my articles.

The Story of Om Proofreading

I published my first piece of content on this website in May 2020, about nine months after completing my training to become a proofreader. As I proofread clients’ documents, I realized how much I wanted to create my own content!

One of the aspects I enjoy most about working on error patrol 😉 is that I’m constantly learning something new!

Of course, another excellent way to learn is through research—a process I enjoy.

Since I had become enthusiastic about writing and was already passionate about proofreading and research, I decided that creating content about proofreading (and related topics like grammar, punctuation, and spelling) would allow me to combine those passions.

A fire representing the spark that moved me to create Om Proofreading.

When I launched my site in early 2019, I didn’t plan to publish content. However, as I mentioned, working in the proofreading field fueled my desire to write. I guess working in an industry filled with words can spark other word-related interests.

And the spark that ignited my desire to write was the impetus for creating Om Proofreading.

I sincerely hope my content helps you, whether you’re an aspiring proofreader or someone looking to hire one.

I also hope to guide you if you’d like to improve your proofreading skills so that the grammar, punctuation, spelling, and other elements in your writing are on point and polished!

If you’d like to learn how I create content for this site, please see my editorial policy.

Before signing off, I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to Caitlin Pyle and Catherine Turner.

Caitlin is the creator of Proofread Anywhere. Her phenomenal course led me on this journey, which I’m enjoying so much!

And Catherine is an experienced proofreader who created Turner Proofreading. I found her content quite helpful when I was thinking about becoming a proofreader.

Best wishes to everyone who stumbles upon Om Proofreading!

Feel free to check out my About page if you’d like to get to know me better.

Also, here are a few of my popular articles:

Finally, you can contact me if you’d like to get in touch.